Saturday, 6 September 2014


This year, the NHS has created a new type of PGD called the Core. This essentially, is a PGD which encompasses many of the similarities of all the PGDs. For instance, the most common side effect of many of the vaccines are local soreness to the injection areas. So instead of including this in every PGD, it has been incorporated into the Core, PharmaDoctor, in light of these NHS changes has followed suit and our multi-disciplinary team has created our own Core PGD.

In this article we will be exploring some of the other commonalities to the NHS PGDs. All PGDs have five common traits which exclude specific groups of patients

  1. Anaphylaxis to any excipient 
  2. Neurological conditions
  3. History of infection of the organism inside the vaccine
  4. Acute febrile illness 
  5. Lack of consent

It is also good to note that the Core PGD introduces live vaccines, so patients who are immunosuppressed or pregnant will be excluded from these specific vaccines.

Anaphylaxis to any excipient

A confirmed anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of vaccine containing the same antigens or a confirmed anaphylaxis reaction to another component contained within the vaccine i.e. neomycin, streptomycin or polymixin, which may be present in trace amounts in vaccines would be an exclusion. Make sure that you check with the SPC of the into individual vaccine to confirm the excipients.

Neurological conditions

In individuals with an evolving neurological condition immunization should be deferred until the neurological condition has resolved or stabilized.

History of infection of the organism inside the vaccine

Confirmed history of infection with the causative agents included within this specific vaccine will be excluded.

Acute febrile illness 

Vaccinations in patients with acute febrile illness will also be excluded from accessing the vaccine via the PGD.

Lack of consent

If a patient with parental responsibility does not consent to the immunization will be excluded. If valid consent is not given or mental capacity comes into play the patient who also be excluded from the PGDs.

Live vaccines

The section in the Core PGD, is about live vaccines and they are temporarily contraindicated in patients who are immunosuppressed. For more information check the "Green Book" Chapter 6. Also, patients who are pregnant will be excluded from accessing live vaccines. Live vaccines should either be given together at the same time or at least 28 days apart. Thatís it for the commonalities of PGDs is to go to the next section just take the quick quiz below.

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